Kurdish Lessons

Bi xêr hatin!

Rosa de Foc is proud to present the beginning of the self-learning season. During Fall 2017, Winter and Spring 2018 we will be facilitating different classes and workshops to learn theoretical and practical tools of self-management and autonomy. Together we will learn languages, use of liberation technologies, digital and physical self-defense, and whatever YOU want to propose.

The course is dynamic and open to participation. In RdF there are no teachers or students, no exams, and no registration fees; people freely teach what they know and learn what they don’t know.

In RdF however there are schedules. And we like to respect them. Respect for schedules means respect for your comrades.

Kurmanji is the main dialect of Kurdish, the language spoken in Kurdistan. Kurdistan is the largest stateless ethnicity in the world (around 40 million). The PKK and other revolutionary organizations have been struggling for decades for the rights of the Kurdish people.

What used to be a regular communist nationalist movement metamorphosed with the new century into a nearly anarchist ideology called Democratic Confederalism.

They now work to spread a stateless, libertarian society across the middle East. In Rojava, the Syrian part of Kurdistan, several million people have been living without a state for 5 years.

It is the most successful libertarian revolution in modern history. Every libertarian or socialist today should visit revolutionary Kurdistan at least once, and learn how it’s done.

Kurdish lessons (basic level) begin today, and will continue every Wednesday at 18:00. Everybody is welcome to participate.

If you bring some money, we will have photocopies and tea and nice things. If you don’t have anything to give, it’s fine.

If you can’t come, you can also follow this course online.

Also, go and read the Kurdish Basic book, which you can find here.

You can follow other activities in our calendar. Or contact us anytime.

Education, education, education.